Plain Language Movement

Simple expressions of bookkeeping and accounting terms

Have you ever wondered why running your own business is so difficult and scary? We did too! And after pondering for a while, we concluded that it doesn’t have to be.  So, we created a movement to make accounting and bookkeeping simple and easy to understand, by using plain language.

The plain language movement was started around 1066 and is still underway. As each profession and practice is called out for its lack of transparency, we move closer and closer.

Accountants and bookkeepers, along with the accounting industry have not succeeded in using plain language, to connect numbers and their meaning for most business people and especially for small business. This lack of simple language puts the power in the hands of powerful wizards who magically interpret meaning for the business owner…but only if they know the right questions to ask.

Our goal is to share the simple, creative truth, of what your business numbers can tell you. That there is strength and beauty in knowing your numbers. They will set you free to make bold, confident, knowledgeable choices with your business. Or you can stay in the dark, right where you are and just ask your accountant…next year at tax time. While you fidget and twitch nervously waiting to find out how much you owe in taxes and fees…gulp….

We wrote a book, designed to overcome some of the most common concerns we have heard from business owners. Look for answers to the following issues:

“I don’t like numbers and I don’t understand your language as it’s as if you are speaking another language to me.”

“Why are you telling me my balance in my books is negative I have $10,000 in the bank?”

“This accounting software is not user friendly and it’s not for anyone who doesn’t understand accounting.”

“Why is bookkeeping so expensive.”

“I have to pay taxes on what amount? if I actually made all that money, where did it go?”

Let us help you take the mystery out of your business numbers. Get the book, read it and set yourself free from the prison of jargon and goobledegook language.