Plain Language Guide

Accounting and bookkeeping translated

Get this guide and be free from Jargon

Read this must have Language guide for small business.

We wrote a book, designed to overcome some of the most common concerns we have heard from business owners. Look for answers to the following issues:

“I don’t like numbers and I don’t understand your language as it’s as if you are speaking another language to me.”

“Why are you telling me my balance in my books is negative I have $10,000 in the bank?”

“This accounting software is not user friendly and it’s not for anyone who doesn’t understand accounting.”

“Why is bookkeeping so expensive.”

“I have to pay taxes on what amount? if I actually made all that money, where did it go?”

Let us help you take the mystery out of your business numbers. Get the book, read it and set yourself free from the prison of jargon and goobledegook language.

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