We Secure your data!

with WOWzer Backup and Restore

The cloud

WOWzer uses Cloud Accounting

To be able to share and collaborate we do your accounting and bookkeeping in the cloud. This makes your data accessible from anywhere there is an internet connection, so you can always be up to date.

The Facts About Data Responibility

We acknowledge that Cloud Accounting companies have very comprehensive data protection and redundant, security programs.

As accountants we consider ourselves a data custodian. Our customers rely on us, so we must take every precautionary step to ensure safety and security are considered.

Securing Your data

Your Security is Our Priority

Every WOWzer Bookkeeping customer is automatically enrolled in WOWzer’s Backup and Restore application. This ensures your data is protected and can be restored in case of corruption, failure or a hack.

Backed up 3 times!

Just one backup, is that enough? We don’t think so. Your data needs to be backed up in multiple locations and one of them has to be immutable.

Don’t worry WOWzer Backup and Restore follows the 3,2,1 backup strategy recommended by security specialists and cyber security insurance providers.

Dedicated to finding ways to improve your performance both at work and at play.

WOWzer Technologies Inc.
Terms and Conditions

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